Monday 13 May 2013

Jboss as 7 : Getting Started

jboss 7 tutorialThis is an introduction tutorial to the newest JBoss AS 7 .
JBoss application server can be freely downloaded from the community site:
JBoss AS 7 can be simply extracted from the downloaded zip and used .

After you have installed JBoss, it is wise to perform a simple startup test to validate that there are no problems with your Java VM/operating system combination. To test your installation, move to the bin directory of your JBOSS_HOME directory and issue the following command:

standalone.bat # Windows users          
$ # Linux/Unix users 

The above command are equivalent to run.bat/ command of previous version of JBoss.

Following are the steps for initial deployments(local) in JBoss AS 7  :-

1. The deployment location for JBoss AS 7 in standalone mode is :-

2. Use the following command to start  the server in with desired configuartion file of standalone mode from  jboss-as-7.1.1.Final\bin  folder :-

standalone -b localhost --server-config=standalone-full.xml   # Windows users -b localhost -c standalone-myconf.xml  # Linux/Unix users         

3.If you have been using previous releases of the application server you might have heard about the twiddle command -line utility that queried the MBeans installed on the application server. This utility has been replaced by a more sophisticated interface named the Command Line Interface (CLI), which can be found in the JBOSS_HOME/bin folder.You can open  CLI  for Jboss AS 7 admin using following command from jboss-as-7.1.1.Final\bin  folder :-

jboss-cli.bat --connect 

You would see the following prompt :-

[standalone@localhost:9999 /] .. {This is CLI prompt}     

4. Now we can deploy and undeploy our WAR/EAR from here just typing commands  :-

For Deploy :-   
deploy <fully qualified path>/<artifact-name>    
example : deploy  E:\MDB.ear                          

Un Deploy :-    
undeploy  <artifact-name>                                
example : undeploy  MDB.ear                           

5. Use the following commands  in CLI prompt for deploying queue /topic :-

For Queue :-      
jms-queue add  --queue-address=queue1 --entries=queues/queue1 

For Topic :-        
jms-topic add  --topic-address=topic1 --entries=topics/topic1         

We can also deploy Wars by just placing it in the deployment folder and then starting the jboss server.

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